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A Latin square is said to be odd if it contains an odd number of rows and columns that are odd permutations. Otherwise, it is said to be even. Let the number of even Latin ...
The alternating factorial is defined as the sum of consecutive factorials with alternating signs, a(n)=sum_(k=1)^n(-1)^(n-k)k!. (1) They can be given in closed form as ...
The term analysis is used in two ways in mathematics. It describes both the discipline of which calculus is a part and one form of abstract logic theory. Analysis is the ...
An antimagic square is an n×n array of integers from 1 to n^2 such that each row, column, and main diagonal produces a different sum such that these sums form a sequence of ...
One of the Zermelo-Fraenkel axioms, also known as the axiom of regularity (Rubin 1967, Suppes 1972). In the formal language of set theory, it states that x!=emptyset=> exists ...
The n-ball, denoted B^n, is the interior of a sphere S^(n-1), and sometimes also called the n-disk. (Although physicists often use the term "sphere" to mean the solid ball, ...
Barycentric coordinates are triples of numbers (t_1,t_2,t_3) corresponding to masses placed at the vertices of a reference triangle DeltaA_1A_2A_3. These masses then ...
The Beatty sequence is a spectrum sequence with an irrational base. In other words, the Beatty sequence corresponding to an irrational number theta is given by |_theta_|, ...
A binary tree is a tree-like structure that is rooted and in which each vertex has at most two children and each child of a vertex is designated as its left or right child ...
The Brinkmann graph (misspelled by Cancela et al. (2004) as "Brinkman") is a weakly regular quartic graph on 21 vertices and 42 edges. It was first mentioned in Brinkmann ...
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