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An N-cluster is a point lattice configuration in which the distance between every pair of points is an integer, no three points are collinear, and no four points are ...
The first Napoleon point N is the concurrence of lines drawn between vertices of a given triangle DeltaABC and the opposite vertices of the corresponding inner Napoleon ...
Let generalized hypergeometric function _pF_q[alpha_1,alpha_2,...,alpha_p; beta_1,beta_2,...,beta_q;z] (1) have p=q+1. Then the generalized hypergeometric function is said to ...
The probability that two elements P_1 and P_2 of a symmetric group generate the entire group tends to 3/4 as n->infty (Netto 1964, p. 90). The conjecture was proven by Dixon ...
A geometric construction, also called a verging construction, which allows the classical geometric construction rules to be bent in order to permit sliding of a marked ruler. ...
A vector field X on a compact foliated manifold (M,F) is nice if X is transverse to F and if X has a closed orbit C (called a nice orbit) such that the intersection C ...
A generalization of the polylogarithm function defined by S_(n,p)(z)=((-1)^(n+p-1))/((n-1)!p!)int_0^1((lnt)^(n-1)[ln(1-zt)]^p)/tdt. The function reduces to the usual ...
Let A, B, and C be three circles in the plane, and let X be any circle touching B and C. Then build up a chain of circles such that Y:CAX, Z:ABY, X^':BCZ, Y^':CAX^', ...
Niven's theorem states that if x/pi and sinx are both rational, then the sine takes values 0, +/-1/2, and +/-1. Particular cases include sin(pi) = 0 (1) sin(pi/2) = 1 (2) ...
Given a triangle DeltaABC, construct the contact triangle DeltaDEF. Then the Nobbs points are the intersections of the corresponding sides of triangles DeltaABC and DeltaDEF, ...
