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A paradox also known as the surprise examination paradox or prediction paradox. A prisoner is told that he will be hanged on some day between Monday and Friday, but that he ...
A unimodular matrix is a real square matrix A with determinant det(A)=+/-1 (Born and Wolf 1980, p. 55; Goldstein 1980, p. 149). More generally, a matrix A with elements in ...
The volume of a solid body is the amount of "space" it occupies. Volume has units of length cubed (i.e., cm^3, m^3, in^3, etc.) For example, the volume of a box (cuboid) of ...
The Whittaker functions arise as solutions to the Whittaker differential equation. The linearly independent solutions to this equation are M_(k,m)(z) = ...
Let V be a real symmetric matrix of large order N having random elements v_(ij) that for i<=j are independently distributed with equal densities, equal second moments m^2, ...
Wynn's epsilon-method is a method for numerical evaluation of sums and products that samples a number of additional terms in the series and then tries to extrapolate them by ...
The conjecture that, for any triangle, 8omega^3<ABC (1) where A, B, and C are the vertex angles of the triangle and omega is the Brocard angle. The Abi-Khuzam inequality ...
The first of the Hardy-Littlewood conjectures. The k-tuple conjecture states that the asymptotic number of prime constellations can be computed explicitly. In particular, ...
The von Staudt-Clausen theorem, sometimes also known as the Staudt-Clausen theorem (Carlitz 1968), states that B_(2n)=A_n-sum_(p_k; (p_k-1)|2n)1/(p_k), (1) where B_(2n) is a ...
Any two rectilinear figures with equal area can be dissected into a finite number of pieces to form each other. This is the Wallace-Bolyai-Gerwien theorem. For minimal ...
