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The operator e^(nut^2/2) which satisfies e^(nut^2/2)p(x)=1/(sqrt(2pinu))int_(-infty)^inftye^(-u^2/(2nu))p(x+u)du for nu>0.
If 0<=a,b,c,d<=1, then (1-a)(1-b)(1-c)(1-d)+a+b+c+d>=1. This is a special case of the general inequality product_(i=1)^n(1-a_i)+sum_(i=1)^na_i>=1 for 0<=a_1,a_2,...,a_n<=1. ...
A function, continuous in a finite closed interval, can be approximated with a preassigned accuracy by polynomials. A function of a real variable which is continuous and has ...
A triangle with side lengths a, b, and c and triangle area Delta satisfies a^2+b^2+c^2>=4sqrt(3)Delta. Equality holds iff the triangle is equilateral.
A Wieferich prime is a prime p which is a solution to the congruence equation 2^(p-1)=1 (mod p^2). (1) Note the similarity of this expression to the special case of Fermat's ...
The Wormald graph is a unit-distance 4-chromatic graph with girth 5 on 13+5(13; 5)=6448 vertices.
The negative integers ..., -3, -2, -1.
The positive integers 1, 2, 3, ..., equivalent to N.
The nonnegative integers 0, 1, 2, ....
Let f be a family of meromorphic functions on the unit disk D which are not normal at 0. Then there exist sequences f_n in F, z_n, rho_n, and a nonconstant function f ...