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Let p be an odd prime and F_n the cyclotomic field of p^(n+1)th roots of unity over the rational field. Now let p^(e(n)) be the power of p which divides the class number h_n ...
The system of partial differential equations iu_t+u_(xx)+alphau_(yy)+betau|u|^2-uv=0 v_(xx)+gammav_(yy)+delta(|u|^2)_(yy)=0.
A polyhedral graph having 10 vertices. There are 32300 nonisomorphic nonahedral graphs, as first enumerated by Duijvestijn and Federico (1981).
A theory is decidable iff there is an algorithm which can determine whether or not any sentence r is a member of the theory.
The Dedekind eta function is defined over the upper half-plane H={tau:I[tau]>0} by eta(tau) = q^_^(1/24)(q^_)_infty (1) = q^_^(1/24)product_(k=1)^(infty)(1-q^_^k) (2) = ...
A curve which can be turned continuously inside an equilateral triangle. There are an infinite number of delta curves, but the simplest are the circle and lens-shaped ...
A shift-invariant operator Q for which Qx is a nonzero constant. 1. Qa=0 for every constant a. 2. If p(x) is a polynomial of degree n, Qp(x) is a polynomial of degree n-1. 3. ...
The 10_3 configuration of ten lines intersecting three at a time in 10 points which arises in Desargues' theorem. Its Levi graph is the Desargues graph.
Let s_b(n) be the sum of the base-b digits of n, and epsilon(n)=(-1)^(s_2(n)) the Thue-Morse sequence, then product_(n=0)^infty((2n+1)/(2n+2))^(epsilon(n))=1/2sqrt(2).
Let D be a set of positive numbers containing 1, then the D-distance graph X(D) on a nonempty subset X of Euclidean space is the graph with vertex set X and edge set ...
