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The problem of maximizing a linear function over a convex polyhedron, also known as operations research or optimization theory. The general problem of convex optimization is ...
A convex polyomino (sometimes called a "convex polygon") is a polyomino whose perimeter is equal to that of its minimal bounding box (Bousquet-Mélou et al. 1999). ...
A set S in a vector space over R is called a convex set if the line segment joining any pair of points of S lies entirely in S.
Construct a 5×5×5 cube from thirteen 1×2×4 blocks, one 2×2×2 block, one 1×2×2, and three 1×1×3 blocks.
Let n objects be picked repeatedly with probability p_i that object i is picked on a given try, with sum_(i)p_i=1. Find the earliest time at which all n objects have been ...
The Cox configuration is a (2^(d-1))_d configuration whose Levi graph is the d-hypercube graph.
The Coxeter configuration is a 12_3 configuration whose Levi graph is the Nauru graph.
An entire Cremona transformation is a birational transformation of the plane. Cremona transformations are maps of the form x_(i+1) = f(x_i,y_i) (1) y_(i+1) = g(x_i,y_i), (2) ...
A random polygon containing the origin (Kovalenko 1999).
A vector v on a Hilbert space H is said to be cyclic if there exists some bounded linear operator T on H so that the set of orbits {T^iv}_(i=0)^infty={v,Tv,T^2v,...} is dense ...
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