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Inverse function integration is an indefinite integration technique. While simple, it is an interesting application of integration by parts. If f and f^(-1) are inverses of ...
Let S(T) be the group of symmetries which map a monohedral tiling T onto itself. The transitivity class of a given tile T is then the collection of all tiles to which T can ...
Let R^3 be the space in which a knot K sits. Then the space "around" the knot, i.e., everything but the knot itself, is denoted R^3-K and is called the knot complement of K ...
The Komornik-Loreti constant is the value q such that 1=sum_(n=1)^infty(t_k)/(q^k), (1) where {t_k} is the Thue-Morse sequence, i.e., t_k is the parity of the number of 1's ...
The lines joining the vertices A, B, and C of a given triangle DeltaABC with the circumcenters of the triangles DeltaBCO, DeltaCAO, and DeltaABO (where O is the circumcenter ...
Given a series of positive terms u_i and a sequence of finite positive constants a_i, let rho=lim_(n->infty)(a_n(u_n)/(u_(n+1))-a_(n+1)). 1. If rho>0, the series converges. ...
The Lambert W-function, also called the omega function, is the inverse function of f(W)=We^W. (1) The plot above shows the function along the real axis. The principal value ...
Landau (1911) proved that for any fixed x>1, sum_(0<|I[rho]|<=T)x^rho=-T/(2pi)Lambda(x)+O(lnT) as T->infty, where the sum runs over the nontrivial Riemann zeta function zeros ...
The term "left factorial" is sometimes used to refer to the subfactorial !n, the first few values for n=1, 2, ... are 1, 3, 9, 33, 153, 873, 5913, ... (OEIS A007489). ...
The Legendre transform of a sequence {c_k} is the sequence {a_k} with terms given by a_n = sum_(k=0)^(n)(n; k)(n+k; k)c_k (1) = sum_(k=0)^(n)(2k; k)(n+k; n-k)c_k, (2) where ...
