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Two angles alpha and beta are said to be complementary if alpha+beta=pi/2. In other words, alpha and beta are complementary angles if they produce a right angle when combined.
The complementary Bell numbers, also called the Uppuluri-Carpenter numbers, B^~_n=sum_(k=0)^n(-1)^kS(n,k) (1) where S(n,k) is a Stirling number of the second kind, are ...
If k is the elliptic modulus of an elliptic integral or elliptic function, then k^'=sqrt(1-k^2) (1) is called the complementary modulus. Complete elliptic integrals with ...
The complementary subspace problem asks, in general, which closed subspaces of a Banach space are complemented (Johnson and Lindenstrauss 2001). Phillips (1940) proved that ...
The process of taking the complement of a set or truth function. In the latter case, complementation is equivalent to the NOT operation.
A complemented lattice is an algebraic structure (L, ^ , v ,0,1,^') such that (L, ^ , v ,0,1) is a bounded lattice and for each element x in L, the element x^' in L is a ...
Let X be a normed space, M and N be algebraically complemented subspaces of X (i.e., M+N=X and M intersection N={0}), pi:X->X/M be the quotient map, phi:M×N->X be the natural ...
An axiomatic theory (such as a geometry) is said to be complete if each valid statement in the theory is capable of being proven true or false.
A labeled binary tree containing the labels 1 to n with root 1, branches leading to nodes labeled 2 and 3, branches from these leading to 4, 5 and 6, 7, respectively, and so ...
A set of functions {f_1(n,x),f_2(n,x)} is termed a complete biorthogonal system in the closed interval R if, they are biorthogonal, i.e., int_Rf_1(m,x)f_1(n,x)dx = ...
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