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A root having multiplicity n=1 is called a simple root. For example, f(z)=(z-1)(z-2) has a simple root at z_0=1, but g=(z-1)^2 has a root of multiplicity 2 at z_0=1, which is ...
A simplex, sometimes called a hypertetrahedron (Buekenhout and Parker 1998), is the generalization of a tetrahedral region of space to n dimensions. The boundary of a ...
The simplex method is a method for solving problems in linear programming. This method, invented by George Dantzig in 1947, tests adjacent vertices of the feasible set (which ...
Given a simplex of unit content in Euclidean d-space, pick n>=d+1 points uniformly and independently at random, and denote the expected content of their convex hull by ...
A simplicial complex is a space with a triangulation. Formally, a simplicial complex K in R^n is a collection of simplices in R^n such that 1. Every face of a simplex of K is ...
The set St^_v-Stv, where St^_v is a closed star and Stv is a star, is called the link of v in a simplicial complex K and is denoted Lkv (Munkres 1993, p. 11).
The type of homology which results when the spaces being studied are restricted to simplicial complexes and subcomplexes.
Let f:K^((0))->L^((0)) be a bijective correspondence such that the vertices v_0, ..., v_n of K span a simplex of K iff f(v_0), ..., f(v_n) span a simplex of L. Then the ...
Let K and L be simplicial complexes, and let f:K^((0))->L^((0)) be a map. Suppose that whenever the vertices v_0, ..., v_n of K span a simplex of K, the points f(v_0), ..., ...
If L is a subcollection of a simplicial complex K that contains all faces of its elements, then L is another simplicial complex called a simplicial subcomplex.
