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The Schroeder stairs, also called Schouten's staircase (Bool et al. 1982, p. 147), are an ambiguous figure that depicts two different staircases at the same time: one going ...
The functional equation phi(f(x))=sphi(x), with s!=0,1.
Two families of equations used to find roots of nonlinear functions of a single variable. The "B" family is more robust and can be used in the neighborhood of degenerate ...
The Schrödinger equation describes the motion of particles in nonrelativistic quantum mechanics, and was first written down by Erwin Schrödinger. The time-dependent ...
Let a general theta function be defined as T(x,q)=sum_(n=-infty)^inftyx^nq^(n^2), then
A class of subvarieties of the Grassmannian G(n,m,K). Given m integers 1<=a_1<...<a_m<=n, the Schubert variety Omega(a_1,...,a_m) is the set of points of G(n,m,K) ...
An algorithm that can always be used to decide whether a given polynomial is free of zeros in the closed unit disk (or, using an entire linear transformation, to any other ...
Let P=a_1x+a_2x^2+... be an almost unit in the integral domain of formal power series (with a_1!=0) and define P^k=sum_(n=k)^inftya_n^((k))x^n (1) for k=+/-1, +/-2, .... If ...
An Auslander algebra which connects the representation theories of the symmetric group of permutations and the general linear group GL(n,C). Schur algebras are ...
The Schur decomposition of a complex square matrix A is a matrix decomposition of the form Q^(H)AQ=T=D+N, (1) where Q is a unitary matrix, Q^(H) is its conjugate transpose, ...
