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A ring in the mathematical sense is a set S together with two binary operators + and * (commonly interpreted as addition and multiplication, respectively) satisfying the ...
The inversion of a ring torus. If the inversion center lies on the torus, then the ring cyclide degenerates to a parabolic ring cyclide.
The direct product of the rings R_gamma, for gamma some index set I, is the set product_(gamma in I)R_gamma={f:I-> union _(gamma in I)R_gamma|f(gamma) in R_gamma all gamma in ...
A ring homomorphism is a map f:R->S between two rings such that 1. Addition is preserved:f(r_1+r_2)=f(r_1)+f(r_2), 2. The zero element is mapped to zero: f(0_R)=0_S, and 3. ...
The kernel of a ring homomorphism f:R-->S is the set of all elements of R which are mapped to zero. It is the kernel of f as a homomorphism of additive groups. It is an ideal ...
Given a commutative unit ring R, and an R-module M, a sequence {x_1,...,x_n} of elements of R is called a regular sequence for M (or an M-sequence for short), if, for all ...
The spectrum of a ring is the set of proper prime ideals, Spec(R)={p:p is a prime ideal in R}. (1) The classical example is the spectrum of polynomial rings. For instance, ...
One of the three standard tori given by the parametric equations x = (c+acosv)cosu (1) y = (c+acosv)sinu (2) z = asinv (3) with c>a. This is the torus which is generally ...
A unit in a ring is an element u such that there exists u^(-1) where u·u^(-1)=1.
The extension ring obtained from a commutative unit ring (other than the trivial ring) when allowing division by all non-zero divisors. The ring of fractions of an integral ...
