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791 - 800 of 1384 for area of the parabolaSearch Results

A circular cone the centers of whose sections form a line perpendicular to the bases. When used without qualification, the term "cone" often refers to a right circular cone.
A graph G whose line graph is L(G) is called the root graph R(L(G)) of L(G). In order words, R(L(G))=G. The root graph of a connected graph is unique except for K_3=C_3 (the ...
The divisibility test that an integer is divisible by 9 iff the sum of its digits is divisible by 9.
An analytic function f on the unit disk is called schlicht if 1. f is one-to-one, 2. f(0)=0, and 3. f^'(0)=1, in which case it is written f in S. Schlicht functions have ...
Let j, r, and s be distinct integers (mod n), and let W_i be the point of intersection of the side or diagonal V_iV_(i+j) of the n-gon P=[V_1,...,V_n] with the transversal ...
A set function is a function whose domain is a collection of sets. In many instances in real analysis, a set function is a function which associates an affinely extended real ...
Let v(G) be the number of vertices in a graph G and h(G) the length of the maximum cycle in G. Then the shortness exponent of a class of graphs G is defined by sigma(G)=lim ...
External (or positive) and internal (or negative) similarity points of two circles with centers C and C^' and radii r and r^' are the points E and I on the lines CC^' such ...
The surface given by the parametric equations x = asinu (1) y = asinv (2) z = asin(u+v). (3) It is a sextic surface with algebraic equation (4) The coefficients of the first ...
A skew coordinate system is a system of curvilinear coordinates in which each family of surfaces intersects the others at angles other than right angles. Skew coordinate ...
