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The inverse function of the logarithm, defined such that log_b(antilog_bz)=z=antilog_b(log_bz). The antilogarithm in base b of z is therefore b^z.
The map which takes points on the surface of a sphere S^2 to their antipodal points.
A valuation for which |x|<=1 implies |1+x|<=C for the constant C=1 (independent of x). Such a valuation does not satisfy the strong triangle inequality |x+y|<=max(|x|,|y|).
Capable of taking on one out of two possible values.
Two open manifolds M and M^' are cobordant if there exists a manifold with boundary W^(n+1) such that an acceptable restrictive relationship holds.
The logarithm of the reciprocal of a number, equal to the negative of the logarithm of the number itself, cologx=log(1/x)=-logx.
A matrix whose eigenvectors are not complete.
The property of being degenerate.
The multiplicity of a multigraph is its maximum edge multiplicity.
The vectors +/-a_1, ..., +/-a_n in a three-space form a normalized eutactic star iff Tx=x for all x in the three-space.
