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For a sequence {chi_i}, the Levine-O'Sullivan greedy algorithm is given by chi_1 = 1 (1) chi_i = max_(1<=j<=i-1)(j+1)(i-chi_j) (2) for i>1. The sequence generated by this ...
A sorting algorithm which makes n passes over a set of n elements, in each pass selecting the smallest element and deleting it from the set. This algorithm has running time ...
A searching algorithm which works on a sorted table by testing the middle of an interval, eliminating the half of the table in which the key cannot lie, and then repeating ...
On a computer screen, the pixels indicating a slanted line are selected with Bresenham's algorithm, developed in 1962 while at IBM.
The Cayley-Purser algorithm is a public-key cryptography algorithm that relies on the fact that matrix multiplication is not commutative. It was devised by Sarah Flannery ...
A constructive proof is a proof that directly provides a specific example, or which gives an algorithm for producing an example. Constructive proofs are also called ...
An algorithm which allows digits of a given number to be calculated without requiring the computation of earlier digits. The BBP formula for pi is the best-known such ...
Dijkstra's algorithm is an algorithm for finding a graph geodesic, i.e., the shortest path between two graph vertices in a graph. It functions by constructing a shortest-path ...
A particular way of doing something, sometimes also called an algorithm or procedure. (According to Petkovšek et al. (1996), "a method is a trick that has worked at least ...
An algorithm which can be used to find integer relations between real numbers x_1, ..., x_n such that a_1x_1+a_2x_2+...+a_nx_n=0, with not all a_i=0. Although the algorithm ...
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