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A chiral knot is a knot which is not capable of being continuously deformed into its own mirror image. A knot that can be so deformed is then called an amphichiral knot. ...
A closed trail is called a circuit when it is specified in cyclic order but no first vertex is explicitly identified.
Given two closed curves, the circuminscribed curve is simultaneously inscribed in the outer one and circumscribed on the inner one.
A subset of a topological group which is closed as a subset and also a subgroup.
In a cochain complex of modules ...->C^(i-1)->^(d^(i-1))C^i->^(d^i)C^(i+1)->..., the module B^i of i-coboundaries is the image of d^(i-1). It is a submodule of C^i and is ...
An axiomatic theory (such as a geometry) is said to be complete if each valid statement in the theory is capable of being proven true or false.
The set P^2 is the set of all equivalence classes [a,b,c] of ordered triples (a,b,c) in C^3\(0,0,0) under the equivalence relation (a,b,c)∼(a^',b^',c^') if ...
A complex rotation is a map of the form z|->ze^(itheta), where theta is a real number, which corresponds to counterclockwise rotation by theta radians about the origin of ...
A group L is a component of H if L is a quasisimple group which is a subnormal subgroup of H.
Two or more lines which intersect in a point are said to concur.
