
Search Results for "algorithmic image"

471 - 480 of 1376 for algorithmic imageSearch Results
A sequence of polynomials p_n satisfying the identities p_n(x+y)=sum_(k>=0)(n; k)p_k(x)p_(n-k)(y).
The image of A_5×A_5 in the special orthogonal group SO(4), where A_5 is the icosahedral group.
If there is an integer x such that x^4=q (mod p), then q is said to be a biquadratic residue (mod p). If not, q is said to be a biquadratic nonresidue (mod p).
Given the functional (1) find in a class of arcs satisfying p differential and q finite equations phi_alpha(y_1,...,y_n;y_1^',...,y_n^')=0 for alpha=1,...,p ...
A mathematical object (such as a set or function) is said to bounded if it possesses a bound, i.e., a value which all members of the set, functions, etc., are less than.
A set is said to be bounded from above if it has an upper bound. Consider the real numbers with their usual order. Then for any set M subset= R, the supremum supM exists (in ...
The Bowley skewness, also known as quartile skewness coefficient, is defied by ((Q_3-Q_2)-(Q_2-Q_1))/(Q_3-Q_1)=(Q_1-2Q_2+Q_3)/(Q_3-Q_1), where the Qs denote the interquartile ...
If, in the Gershgorin circle theorem for a given m, |a_(jj)-a_(mm)|>Lambda_j+Lambda_m for all j!=m, then exactly one eigenvalue of A lies in the disk Gamma_m.
One name for the figure used by Euclid to prove the Pythagorean theorem. It is sometimes also known as the "windmill."
The system of ordinary differential equations u^' = A+u^2v-(B+1)u (1) v^' = Bu-u^2v (2) (Hairer et al. 1987, p. 112; Zwillinger 1997, p. 136). The so-called full Brusselator ...
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