
Search Results for "algorithmic image"

101 - 110 of 1376 for algorithmic imageSearch Results
A global maximum, also known as an absolute maximum, the largest overall value of a set, function, etc., over its entire range. It is impossible to construct an algorithm ...
A polynomial factorization algorithm that proceeds by considering the vector of coefficients of a polynomial P, calculating b_i=P(i)/a_i, constructing the Lagrange ...
A root-finding algorithm also called Bailey's method and Hutton's method. For a function of the form g(x)=x^d-r, Lambert's method gives an iteration function ...
A prime factorization algorithm in which a sequence of trial divisors is chosen using a quadratic sieve. By using quadratic residues of N, the quadratic residues of the ...
A proof which indirectly shows a mathematical object exists without providing a specific example or algorithm for producing an example. Nonconstructive proofs are also called ...
A popular acronym for "principal ideal domain." In engineering circles, the acronym PID refers to the "proportional-integral-derivative method" algorithm for controlling ...
An algorithm for multiplying two 32-bit integers modulo a 32-bit constant without using any intermediates larger than 32 bits. It is also useful in certain types of random ...
The all-pairs shortest path problem is the determination of the shortest graph distances between every pair of vertices in a given graph. The problem can be solved using n ...
Successive application of Archimedes' recurrence formula gives the Archimedes algorithm, which can be used to provide successive approximations to pi (pi). The algorithm is ...
The problem of packing a set of items into a number of bins such that the total weight, volume, etc. does not exceed some maximum value. A simple algorithm (the first-fit ...
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