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A path composed of connected horizontal and vertical line segments, each passing between adjacent lattice points. A lattice path is therefore a sequence of points P_0, P_1, ...
A Lindenmayer system, also known as an L-system, is a string rewriting system that can be used to generate fractals with dimension between 1 and 2. Several example fractals ...
A number of points on a line segment. The term was first used by Desargues (Cremona 1960, p. x). If the points A, B, C, ... lie on a line segment with the coordinates of the ...
A point x^* which is mapped to itself under a map G, so that x^*=G(x^*). Such points are sometimes also called invariant points or fixed elements (Woods 1961). Stable fixed ...
The noncentral chi-squared distribution with noncentrality parameter lambda is given by P_r(x) = ...
The Peano-Gosper curve is a plane-filling function originally called a "flowsnake" by R. W. Gosper and M. Gardner. Mandelbrot (1977) subsequently coined the name Peano-Gosper ...
A number of fractal curves are associated with Peano. The Peano curve is the fractal curve illustrated above which can be written as a Lindenmayer system. The nth iteration ...
The set of all lines through a point. The term was first used by Desargues (Cremona 1960, p. x). The six angles of any pencils of four rays O{ABCD} are connected by the ...
Consider the expression 3×7+2^2. This expression has value (3×7)+(2^2)=25 due to what is called operator precedence (or "order of operations"). Precedence of common operators ...
A mathematical problem, usually not requiring advanced mathematics, to which a solution is desired. Puzzles frequently require the rearrangement of existing pieces (e.g., 15 ...
