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151 - 157 of 157 for Zermelo Fraenkel AxiomsSearch Results

A generalization of the p-adic norm first proposed by Kürschák in 1913. A valuation |·| on a field K is a function from K to the real numbers R such that the following ...
The Spencer-Brown form is a simple mathematical concept that formalizes what a mathematical object is formally identical to what it is not (Spencer-Brown 1997, pp. ix and ...
If two numbers b and c have the property that their difference b-c is integrally divisible by a number m (i.e., (b-c)/m is an integer), then b and c are said to be "congruent ...
Linear algebra is the study of linear sets of equations and their transformation properties. Linear algebra allows the analysis of rotations in space, least squares fitting, ...
Geometry is the study of figures in a space of a given number of dimensions and of a given type. The most common types of geometry are plane geometry (dealing with objects ...
Number theory is a vast and fascinating field of mathematics, sometimes called "higher arithmetic," consisting of the study of the properties of whole numbers. Primes and ...
