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One baud is defined as the state of a signal in a communication channel changing once per second.
The operator B^~ defined by B^~f(z)=int_D((1-|z|^2)^2)/(|1-zw^_|^4)f(w)dA(w) for z in D, where D is the unit open disk and w^_ is the complex conjugate (Hedenmalm et al. ...
A Bergman kernel is a function of a complex variable with the "reproducing kernel" property defined for any domain in which there exist nonzero analytic functions of class ...
Another "beta function" defined in terms of an integral is the "exponential" beta function, given by beta_n(z) = int_(-1)^1t^ne^(-zt)dt (1) = ...
Given two bicentric points P=p:q:r and U=u:v:w, their bicentric sum is defined by p+u:q+v:r:w.
A binary operation f(x,y) is an operation that applies to two quantities or expressions x and y. A binary operation on a nonempty set A is a map f:A×A->A such that 1. f is ...
The determinant of a binary quadratic form Au^2+2Buv+Cv^2 is defined as D=AC-B^2. It is equal to 1/4 of the corresponding binary quadratic form discriminant. Unfortunately, ...
The discriminant of a binary quadratic form au^2+buv+cv^2 is defined by d=4ac-b^2. It is equal to four times the corresponding binary quadratic form determinant. ...
If a is a point in the open unit disk, then the Blaschke factor is defined by B_a(z)=(z-a)/(1-a^_z), where a^_ is the complex conjugate of a. Blaschke factors allow the ...
Relates invariants of a curve defined over the integers. If this inequality were proven true, then Fermat's last theorem would follow for sufficiently large exponents. ...