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291 - 300 of 576 for Weibull DistributionSearch Results
The function f(x,y)=(1-x)^2+100(y-x^2)^2 that is often used as a test problem for optimization algorithms (where a variation with 100 replaced by 105 is sometimes used; ...
Let there be x successes out of n Bernoulli trials. The sample proportion is the fraction of samples which were successes, so p^^=x/n. (1) For large n, p^^ has an ...
The second Morley cubic is the triangle cubic with trilinear equation It passes through Kimberling centers X_n for n=1, 1134, 1135, 1136, and 1137.
An operator T which commutes with all shift operators E^a, so TE^a=E^aT for all real a in a field. Any two shift-invariant operators commute.
The singular support of a generalized function u is the complement of the largest open set on which u is smooth. Roughly speaking, it is the closed set where the distribution ...
Consider (1) If the probability distribution is governed by a Markov process, then P_3(y_1,t_1;y_2,t_2|y_3,t_3) = P_2(y_2,t_2|y_3,t_3) (2) = P_2(y_2|y_3,t_3-t_2). (3) ...
In a network with three graph edges at each graph vertex, the number of Hamiltonian cycles through a specified graph edge is 0 or even.
The geometry of the Lie group R semidirect product with R^2, where R acts on R^2 by (t,(x,y))->(e^tx,e^(-t)y).
The Stiefel manifold of orthonormal k-frames in R^n is the collection of vectors (v_1, ..., v_k) where v_i is in R^n for all i, and the k-tuple (v_1, ..., v_k) is ...
The group of all nonsingular n×n stochastic matrices over a field F. It is denoted S(n,F). If p is prime and F is the finite field of order q=p^m, S(n,q) is written instead ...
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