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441 - 450 of 1524 for Warings ProblemSearch Results
The Steiner tree of some subset of the vertices of a graph G is a minimum-weight connected subgraph of G that includes all the vertices. It is always a tree. Steiner trees ...
An arrangement of overlapping circles which cover the entire plane. A lower bound for a covering using equivalent circles is 2pi/sqrt(27) (Williams 1979, p. 51).
A proposition which is consistent with known data, but has neither been verified nor shown to be false. It is synonymous with hypothesis.
Characterized by allowing only integer values.
If the lines joining corresponding points of two directly similar figures are divided proportionally, then the locus of the points of the division will be a figure directly ...
An array of "trees" of unit height located at integer-coordinate points in a point lattice. When viewed from a corner along the line y=x in normal perspective, a quadrant of ...
The Frobenius equation is the Diophantine equation a_1x_1+a_2x_2+...+a_nx_n=b, where the a_i are positive integers, b is an integer, and the solutions x_i are nonnegative ...
Isomorphism is a very general concept that appears in several areas of mathematics. The word derives from the Greek iso, meaning "equal," and morphosis, meaning "to form" or ...
A list of problems in low-dimensional topology maintained by Kirby (1995). The list currently runs about 380 pages.
A magic hexagon of order n is an arrangement of close-packed hexagons containing the numbers 1, 2, ..., H_(n-1), where H_n is the nth hex number such that the numbers along ...
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