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731 - 740 of 1908 for Vector Space SpanSearch Results
A positive measure is a measure which is a function from the measurable sets of a measure space to the nonnegative real numbers. Sometimes, this is what is meant by measure, ...
Find an analytic parameterization of the compact Riemann surfaces in a fixed homeomorphism class. The Ahlfors-Bers theorem proved that Riemann's moduli space gives the ...
That portion of geometry dealing with solids, as opposed to plane geometry. Solid geometry is concerned with polyhedra, spheres, three-dimensional solids, lines in ...
A plesiohedron is the Voronoi cell of a so-called symmetric Delone set. Plesiohedra are space-filling polyhedra which have special symmetries that take any copy of the ...
A standard form of the linear programming problem of maximizing a linear function over a convex polyhedron is to maximize c·x subject to mx<=b and x>=0, where m is a given ...
A closed curve associated with a knot which is displaced along the normal by a small amount. For a knot K parameterized as x^mu(s) for 0<=s<=L along the length of the knot by ...
The French metro metric is an example for disproving apparently intuitive but false properties of metric spaces. The metric consists of a distance function on the plane such ...
The Kuhn-Tucker theorem is a theorem in nonlinear programming which states that if a regularity condition holds and f and the functions h_j are convex, then a solution ...
A module homomorphism is a map f:M->N between modules over a ring R which preserves both the addition and the multiplication by scalars. In symbols this means that ...
A result in control theory. Define H(psi,x,u)=(psi,f(x,u))=sum_(a=0)^npsi_af^a(x,u). Then in order for a control u(t) and a trajectory x(t) to be optimal, it is necessary ...
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