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641 - 650 of 1908 for Vector Space SpanSearch Results

A right eigenvector is defined as a column vector X_R satisfying AX_R=lambda_RX_R. In many common applications, only right eigenvectors (and not left eigenvectors) need be ...
A hole in a mathematical object is a topological structure which prevents the object from being continuously shrunk to a point. When dealing with topological spaces, a ...
The four parameters e_0, e_1, e_2, and e_3 describing a finite rotation about an arbitrary axis. The Euler parameters are defined by e_0 = cos(phi/2) (1) e = [e_1; e_2; e_3] ...
A topological space X is pathwise-connected iff for every two points x,y in X, there is a continuous function f from [0,1] to X such that f(0)=x and f(1)=y. Roughly speaking, ...
A space curve consisting of a spiral wound around a helix. It has parametric equations x = [R+acos(omegat)]cost (1) y = [R+acos(omegat)]sint (2) z = ht+asin(omegat). (3)
A packing of polyhedron in three-dimensional space. A polyhedron which can pack with no holes or gaps is said to be a space-filling polyhedron. Betke and Henk (2000) present ...
A topological space M satisfying some separability (i.e., it is a T2-space) and countability (i.e., it is a paracompact space) conditions such that every point p in M has a ...
A basepoint is the beginning and ending point of a loop. The fundamental group of a topological space is always with respect to a particular choice of basepoint.
For every infinite loop space machine E, there is a natural equivalence of spectra between EX and Segal's spectrum BX.
For a function with 2 degrees of freedom, the 2-dimensional phase space that is accessible to the function or object is called its phase plane.
