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321 - 330 of 1064 for Variability, standard deviation, and ran...Search Results
The system of partial differential equations iu_t+u_(xx)+alphau_(yy)+betau|u|^2-uv=0 v_(xx)+gammav_(yy)+delta(|u|^2)_(yy)=0.
An illusion due to Franz Joseph Delboeuf, a Belgian philosopher and expert on hypnosis. If the same circle is placed inside two different concentric circles, its size will ...
Let A be any algebra over a field F, and define a derivation of A as a linear operator D on A satisfying (xy)D=(xD)y+x(yD) for all x,y in A. Then the set D(A) of all ...
An expansion based on the roots of x^(-n)[xJ_n^'(x)+HJ_n(x)]=0, where J_n(x) is a Bessel function of the first kind, is called a Dini expansion.
The curve d(u) in the ruled surface parameterization x(u,v)=b(u)+vd(u).
Given a set S of points in the plane, an enclosing circle is a circle for which all points S lie in its interior.
Line segment ranges and pencils which have equal cross ratios are said to be equicross.
An array of "trees" of unit height located at integer-coordinate points in a point lattice. When viewed from a corner along the line y=x in normal perspective, a quadrant of ...
A graph vertex in a graph is said to be an even node if its vertex degree is even.
Also known as the difference of squares method. It was first used by Fermat and improved by Gauss. Gauss looked for integers x and y satisfying y^2=x^2-N (mod E) for various ...
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