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271 - 280 of 1064 for Variability, standard deviation, and ran...Search Results
Two nonsingular forms are equivalent over the rationals iff they have the same determinant and the same p-signatures for all p.
A set of statistical distributions having different variances.
A vector field v for which the curl vanishes, del xv=0.
Always increasing; never remaining constant or decreasing. Also called strictly increasing.
Consider a set A_n={a_1,a_2,...,a_n} of n positive integer-denomination postage stamps sorted such that 1=a_1<a_2<...<a_n. Suppose they are to be used on an envelope with ...
An integral which has neither limit infinite and from which the integrand does not approach infinity at any point in the range of integration.
The word quantile has no fewer than two distinct meanings in probability. Specific elements x in the range of a variate X are called quantiles, and denoted x (Evans et al. ...
A measure that takes on real values.
An AB percolation is a discrete percolation model in which the underlying point lattice graph L has the properties that each of its graph vertices is occupied by an atom ...
Given a power spectrum (a plot of power vs. frequency), aliasing is a false translation of power falling in some frequency range (-f_c,f_c) outside the range. Aliasing is ...
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