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191 - 200 of 1064 for Variability, standard deviation, and ran...Search Results
The distribution function D(x), also called the cumulative distribution function (CDF) or cumulative frequency function, describes the probability that a variate X takes on a ...
The geometric distribution is a discrete distribution for n=0, 1, 2, ... having probability density function P(n) = p(1-p)^n (1) = pq^n, (2) where 0<p<1, q=1-p, and ...
For a single variate X having a distribution P(x) with known population mean mu, the population variance var(X), commonly also written sigma^2, is defined as ...
In the study of non-associative algebra, there are at least two different notions of what the half-Bol identity is. Throughout, let L be an algebraic loop and let x, y, and z ...
Kurtosis is defined as a normalized form of the fourth central moment mu_4 of a distribution. There are several flavors of kurtosis, the most commonly encountered variety of ...
The "kurtosis excess" (Kenney and Keeping 1951, p. 27) is defined in terms of the usual kurtosis by gamma_2 = beta_2-3 (1) = (mu_4)/(mu_2^2)-3. (2) It is commonly denoted ...
The Lyapunov characteristic exponent [LCE] gives the rate of exponential divergence from perturbed initial conditions. To examine the behavior of an orbit around a point ...
Skewness is a measure of the degree of asymmetry of a distribution. If the left tail (tail at small end of the distribution) is more pronounced than the right tail (tail at ...
(Deltau)_i^2=(u_i-u^_)^2, where u^_ is the average of {u_i}.
Simply stated, floating-point algebra is algebra performed on floating-point representations by any number of automated devices. Traditionally, this definition is phrased so ...
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