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1421 - 1430 of 2142 for Trigonometry Angles Pi 17Search Results
A factorion is an integer which is equal to the sum of factorials of its digits. There are exactly four such numbers: 1 = 1! (1) 2 = 2! (2) 145 = 1!+4!+5! (3) 40585 = ...
The Fermat quotient for a number a and a prime base p is defined as q_p(a)=(a^(p-1)-1)/p. (1) If pab, then q_p(ab) = q_p(a)+q_p(b) (2) q_p(p+/-1) = ∓1 (3) (mod p), where the ...
Four line geometry is a finite geometry subject to the following three axioms: 1. there exist exactly four lines, 2. any two distinct lines have exactly one point of on both ...
Gödel's second incompleteness theorem states no consistent axiomatic system which includes Peano arithmetic can prove its own consistency. Stated more colloquially, any ...
A golden rhombus is a rhombus whose diagonals are in the ratio p/q=phi, where phi is the golden ratio. The faces of the acute golden rhombohedron, Bilinski dodecahedron, ...
A group action G×Omega->Omega might preserve a special kind of partition of Omega called a system of blocks. A block is a subset Delta of Omega such that for any group ...
A root-finding algorithm also known as the tangent hyperbolas method or Halley's rational formula. As in Halley's irrational formula, take the second-order Taylor series ...
A partial differential diffusion equation of the form (partialU)/(partialt)=kappadel ^2U. (1) Physically, the equation commonly arises in situations where kappa is the ...
In elliptic cylindrical coordinates, the scale factors are h_u=h_v=sqrt(sinh^2u+sin^2v), h_z=1, and the separation functions are f_1(u)=f_2(v)=f_3(z)=1, giving a Stäckel ...
The second-order ordinary differential equation (d^2y)/(dx^2)-2x(dy)/(dx)+lambday=0. (1) This differential equation has an irregular singularity at infty. It can be solved ...
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