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41 - 50 of 445 for Triaugmented Hexagonal PrismSearch Results

A number which is simultaneously a nonagonal number N_m and hexagonal number Hex_n and therefore satisfies the Diophantine equation 1/2m(7m-5)=n(2n-1). (1) Completing the ...
An attractive compound can be constructed of 6 pentagonal prisms having unit edge lengths, as illustrated above. A net for the solid is illustrated above, where s_1 = ...
The dual of the great snub dodecicosidodecahedron and Wenninger dual W_(115).
The dual of the snub icosidodecadodecahedron U_(44) and Wenninger dual W_(112).
The dual polyhedron of the small snub icosicosidodecahedron U_(32) and Wenninger dual W_(110).
An undecahedron is a polyhedron having 11 faces. Examples include those illustrated above and summarized in the following table. F E V name 11 8 17 biaugmented triangular ...
A n-gonal cupola adjoined to a 2n-gonal prism.
The pentagrammic dipyramid is the dual polyhedron of the pentagrammic prism U_(78).
A (general) octahedron is a polyhedron having eight faces. Examples include the 4-trapezohedron, augmented triangular prism (Johnson solid J_(49)), bislit cube, Dürer solid, ...
A pentagonal rotunda adjoined to a decagonal prism which is Johnson solid J_(21).
