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A positive value of n for which x-phi(x)=n has no solution, where phi(x) is the totient function. The first few are 10, 26, 34, 50, 52, ... (OEIS A005278).
A positive even value of n for which phi(x)=n, where phi(x) is the totient function, has no solution. The first few are 14, 26, 34, 38, 50, ... (OEIS A005277).
The number of bases in which 1/p is a repeating decimal (actually, repeating b-ary) of length l is the same as the number of fractions 0/(p-1), 1/(p-1), ..., (p-2)/(p-1) ...
The conjecture that all integers >1 occur as a value of the totient valence function (i.e., all integers >1 occur as multiplicities). The conjecture was proved by Ford ...
A totative is a positive integer less than or equal to a number n which is also relatively prime to n, where 1 is counted as being relatively prime to all numbers. The number ...
For a discrete function f(n), the summatory function is defined by F(n)=sum_(k in D)^nf(k), where D is the domain of the function.
Any system of phi(n) integers, where phi(n) is the totient function, representing all the residue classes relatively prime to n is called a reduced residue system (Nagell ...
Due to Euler's prolific output, there are a great number of theorems that are know by the name "Euler's theorem." A sampling of these are Euler's displacement theorem for ...
sum_(n=1)^(infty)1/(phi(n)sigma_1(n)) = product_(p prime)(1+sum_(k=1)^(infty)1/(p^(2k)-p^(k-1))) (1) = 1.786576459... (2) (OEIS A093827), where phi(n) is the totient function ...
The cototient of a positive number n is defined as n-phi(n), where n is the totient function. It is therefore the number of positive integers <=n that have at least one prime ...