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An ideal is a subset I of elements in a ring R that forms an additive group and has the property that, whenever x belongs to R and y belongs to I, then xy and yx belong to I. ...
The incenter I is the center of the incircle for a polygon or insphere for a polyhedron (when they exist). The corresponding radius of the incircle or insphere is known as ...
An incircle is an inscribed circle of a polygon, i.e., a circle that is tangent to each of the polygon's sides. The center I of the incircle is called the incenter, and the ...
Let s_k be the number of independent vertex sets of cardinality k in a graph G. The polynomial I(x)=sum_(k=0)^(alpha(G))s_kx^k, (1) where alpha(G) is the independence number, ...
An inner product is a generalization of the dot product. In a vector space, it is a way to multiply vectors together, with the result of this multiplication being a scalar. ...
An equation involving a function f(x) and integrals of that function to solved for f(x). If the limits of the integral are fixed, an integral equation is called a Fredholm ...
The inverse cotangent is the multivalued function cot^(-1)z (Zwillinger 1995, p. 465), also denoted arccotz (Abramowitz and Stegun 1972, p. 79; Harris and Stocker 1998, p. ...
To predict the result of a measurement requires (1) a model of the system under investigation, and (2) a physical theory linking the parameters of the model to the parameters ...
The inverse sine is the multivalued function sin^(-1)z (Zwillinger 1995, p. 465), also denoted arcsinz (Abramowitz and Stegun 1972, p. 79; Harris and Stocker 1998, p. 307; ...
The inverse trigonometric functions are the inverse functions of the trigonometric functions, written cos^(-1)z, cot^(-1)z, csc^(-1)z, sec^(-1)z, sin^(-1)z, and tan^(-1)z. ...
