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The field of all rational and irrational numbers is called the real numbers, or simply the "reals," and denoted R. The set of real numbers is also called the continuum, ...
Reciprocation is an incidence-preserving transformation in which points are transformed into their polars. A projective geometry-like duality principle holds for ...
If there exists a rational integer x such that, when n, p, and q are positive integers, x^n=q (mod p), then q is the n-adic residue of p, i.e., q is an n-adic residue of p ...
A closed planar quadrilateral with opposite sides of equal lengths a and b, and with four right angles. A square is a degenerate rectangle with a=b. The area of the rectangle ...
The rectangle function Pi(x) is a function that is 0 outside the interval [-1/2,1/2] and unity inside it. It is also called the gate function, pulse function, or window ...
To define a recurring digital invariant of order k, compute the sum of the kth powers of the digits of a number n. If this number n^' is equal to the original number n, then ...
A recursive process is one in which objects are defined in terms of other objects of the same type. Using some sort of recurrence relation, the entire class of objects can ...
The term "recursive function" is often used informally to describe any function that is defined with recursion. There are several formal counterparts to this informal ...
A recursive sequence {f(n)}_n, also known as a recurrence sequence, is a sequence of numbers f(n) indexed by an integer n and generated by solving a recurrence equation. The ...
A set T of integers is said to be recursively enumerable if it constitutes the range of a recursive function, i.e., if there exists a recursive function that can eventually ...
