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The complete products of a Boolean algebra of subsets generated by a set {A_k}_(k=1)^p of cardinal number p are the 2^p Boolean functions B_1B_2...B_p=B_1 intersection B_2 ...
The following conditions are equivalent for a conservative vector field on a particular domain D: 1. For any oriented simple closed curve C, the line integral ∮_CF·ds=0. 2. ...
A path in the complex plane over which contour integration is performed to compute a contour integral. When choosing a contour to evaluate an integral on the real line, a ...
A cusp form is a modular form for which the coefficient c(0)=0 in the Fourier series f(tau)=sum_(n=0)^inftyc(n)e^(2piintau) (1) (Apostol 1997, p. 114). The only entire cusp ...
A sophisticated checksum (often abbreviated CRC), which is based on the algebra of polynomials over the integers (mod 2). It is substantially more reliable in detecting ...
The decimal period of a repeating decimal is the number of digits that repeat. For example, 1/3=0.3^_ has decimal period one, 1/11=0.09^_ has decimal period two, and ...
The Dou circle is the circle cutting the sidelines of the reference triangle DeltaABC at A^', A^(''), B^', B^(''), C^', and C^('') such that ...
Exponential growth is the increase in a quantity N according to the law N(t)=N_0e^(lambdat) (1) for a parameter t and constant lambda (the analog of the decay constant), ...
In 1657, Fermat posed the problem of finding solutions to sigma(x^3)=y^2, and solutions to sigma(x^2)=y^3, where sigma(n) is the divisor function (Dickson 2005). The first ...
Let psi = 1+phi (1) = 1/2(3+sqrt(5)) (2) = 2.618033... (3) (OEIS A104457), where phi is the golden ratio, and alpha = lnphi (4) = 0.4812118 (5) (OEIS A002390). Define the ...
