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8971 - 8980 of 13134 for Theory of mindSearch Results

If a, b, c, and d are points in the extended complex plane C^*, their cross ratio, also called the cross-ratio (Courant and Robbins 1996, p. 172; Durell 1928, p. 73), ...
The average distance between two points chosen at random inside a unit cube (the n=3 case of hypercube line picking), sometimes known as the Robbins constant, is Delta(3) = ...
Dawson's integral (Abramowitz and Stegun 1972, pp. 295 and 319), also sometimes called Dawson's function, is the entire function given by the integral F(x) = ...
The Dedekind eta function is defined over the upper half-plane H={tau:I[tau]>0} by eta(tau) = q^_^(1/24)(q^_)_infty (1) = q^_^(1/24)product_(k=1)^(infty)(1-q^_^k) (2) = ...
A digit sum s_b(n) is a sum of the base-b digits of n, which can be implemented in the Wolfram Language as DigitSum[n_, b_:10] := Total[IntegerDigits[n, b]]The following ...
A division algebra, also called a "division ring" or "skew field," is a ring in which every nonzero element has a multiplicative inverse, but multiplication is not ...
In response to a letter from Goldbach, Euler considered sums of the form s_h(m,n) = sum_(k=1)^(infty)(1+1/2+...+1/k)^m(k+1)^(-n) (1) = ...
The Eulerian number <n; k> gives the number of permutations of {1,2,...,n} having k permutation ascents (Graham et al. 1994, p. 267). Note that a slightly different ...
A number x in which the first n decimal digits of the fractional part frac(x) sum to 666 is known as an evil number (Pegg and Lomont 2004). However, the term "evil" is also ...
An n-step Fibonacci sequence {F_k^((n))}_(k=1)^infty is defined by letting F_k^((n))=0 for k<=0, F_1^((n))=F_2^((n))=1, and other terms according to the linear recurrence ...
