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8731 - 8740 of 13134 for Theory of mindSearch Results
An Asian version of chess, sometimes also called Chinese Chess, that is currently played extensively in China, Taiwan, Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam, and Hong Kong. The ...
The connective in logic corresponding to the exclusive nor operation. A XNOR B is equivalent to (A ^ B) v (!A ^ !B), where ^ denotes AND, v denotes OR, and !A denotes NOT. ...
The 6-polyiamond illustrated above.
The anti-self-dual Yang-Mills equation is the system of partial differential equations ...
The Yff central circle, a term coined here for the first time, is the circumcircle of the Yff central triangle.
The Yff contact circle is the circumcircle of the Yff contact triangle. Its center has triangle center function alpha=((b-c)(3a^3+b^3+c^3-2a^2b-2a^2c-abc))/a, (1) which does ...
The Yiu circle is the circumcircle of the Yiu triangle DeltaO_AO_BO_C. It has center function given by alpha=af(a,b,c), where f(a,b,c) is a 14th-order polynomial. Its radius ...
The Yiu triangle DeltaO_AO_BO_C is the triangle formed by the centers of the Yiu circles. It has area where f(a,b,c) is a 12th-order polynomial and Delta is the area of the ...
Let f(x) be a real continuous monotonic strictly increasing function on the interval [0,a] with f(0)=0 and b<=f(a), then ab<=int_0^af(x)dx+int_0^bf^(-1)(y)dy, where f^(-1)(y) ...
An even alternating permutation number, more commonly called a tangent number.
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