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An elliptic function with no poles in a fundamental cell is a constant.
Let F be a differential field with constant field K. For f in F, suppose that the equation g^'=f (i.e., g=intf) has a solution g in G, where G is an elementary extension of F ...
A function f(x) satisfies the Lipschitz condition of order beta at x=0 if |f(h)-f(0)|<=B|h|^beta for all |h|<epsilon, where B and beta are independent of h, beta>0, and alpha ...
A function f such that |f(x)-f(y)|<=C|x-y| for all x and y, where C is a constant independent of x and y, is called a Lipschitz function. For example, any function with a ...
int_0^inftye^(-ax)J_0(bx)dx=1/(sqrt(a^2+b^2)), where J_0(z) is the zeroth order Bessel function of the first kind.
A list is a data structure consisting of an ordered set of elements, each of which may be a number, another list, etc. A list is usually denoted (a_1, a_2, ..., a_n) or ...
A statement letter or a negation of a statement letter (Mendelson 1997, p. 30).
Little-omega notation is the inverse of the Landau symbol o, i.e., f(n) in o(phi(n)) <==> phi(n) in omega(f(n)).
The inverse curve of the lituus is an Archimedean spiral with m=2, which is Fermat's spiral.
Given a point P and a line AB, draw the perpendicular through P and call it PC. Let PD be any other line from P which meets CB in D. In a hyperbolic geometry, as D moves off ...
