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The 6-polyiamonds illustrated above.
Let K be a finite complex, and let phi:C_p(K)->C_p(K) be a chain map, then sum_(p)(-1)^pTr(phi,C_p(K))=sum_(p)(-1)^pTr(phi_*,H_p(K)/T_p(K)).
The inversion of a horn torus. If the inversion center lies on the torus, then the horn cyclide degenerates to a parabolic horn cyclide.
A hosohedron is a regular tiling or map on a sphere composed of p digons or spherical lunes, all with the same two vertices and the same vertex angles, 2pi/p. Its Schläfli ...
Let S be a set of n+1 symbols, then a Howell design H(s,2n) on symbol set S is an s×s array H such that 1. Every cell of H is either empty or contains an unordered pair of ...
The necessary and sufficient condition that an algebraic curve has an algebraic involute is that the arc length is a two-valued algebraic function of the coordinates of the ...
A sextic surface given by the implicit equation 4(x^2+y^2+z^2-13)^3+27(3x^2+y^2-4z^2-12)^2=0.
The evolute of a hyperbola with parametric equations x = acosht (1) y = bsinht (2) is x_e = ((a^2+b^2))/acosh^3t (3) y_e = -((a^2+b^2))/bsinh^3t, (4) which is similar to a ...
A hyperbolic version of the Euclidean cube.
The surface with parametric equations x = (sinhvcos(tauu))/(1+coshucoshv) (1) y = (sinhvsin(tauu))/(1+coshucoshv) (2) z = (coshvsinh(u))/(1+coshucoshv), (3) where tau is the ...
