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6851 - 6860 of 13134 for Theory of mindSearch Results

A Hilbert basis for the vector space of square summable sequences (a_n)=a_1, a_2, ... is given by the standard basis e_i, where e_i=delta_(in), with delta_(in) the Kronecker ...
Let Gamma be an algebraic curve in a projective space of dimension n, and let p be the prime ideal defining Gamma, and let chi(p,m) be the number of linearly independent ...
Given a positive sequence {a_n}, sqrt(sum_(j=-infty)^infty|sum_(n=-infty; n!=j)^infty(a_n)/(j-n)|^2)<=pisqrt(sum_(n=-infty)^infty|a_n|^2), (1) where the a_ns are real and ...
Every modular system has a modular system basis consisting of a finite number of polynomials. Stated another way, for every order n there exists a nonsingular curve with the ...
The upper and lower hinges are descriptive statistics of a set of N data values, where N is of the form N=4n+5 with n=0, 1, 2, .... The hinges are obtained by ordering the ...
The hinge theorem says that if two triangles DeltaABC and DeltaA^'B^'C^' have congruent sides AB=A^'B^' and AC=A^'C^' and ∠A>∠A^', then BC>B^'C^'.
A tessellation which can be thought of consisting of a number of pieces which are hinged at their vertices and therefore can be opened or closed to yield a series of ...
The hippopede, also known as the horse fetter, is a curve given by the polar equation r^2=4b(a-bsin^2theta). Hippopedes are plotted above for values of a/b=0.2 to 2.0.
The system of partial differential equations u_t = 1/2u_(xxx)+3uu_x-6ww_x (1) w_t = -w_(xxx)-3uw_x. (2)
The partial differential equation
