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971 - 980 of 1719 for Surface AreaSearch Results

A way to display n variables on a two-dimensional surface. For instance, let x be eyebrow slant, y be eye size, z be nose length, etc. The above figures show faces produced ...
A complex manifold is a manifold M whose coordinate charts are open subsets of C^n and the transition functions between charts are holomorphic functions. Naturally, a complex ...
A plot of equipotential curves. If desired, the regions between contours can be shaded or colored to indicate their magnitude. Contour plots are implemented in the Wolfram ...
Let a, b, and c be the side lengths of a reference triangle DeltaABC. Now let A_b be a point on the extension of the segment CA beyond A such that AA_b=a. Similarly, define ...
Defining p_0=2, p_n as the nth odd prime, and the nth prime gap as g_n=p_(n+1)-p_n, then the Cramér-Granville conjecture states that g_n<M(lnp_n)^2 for some constant M>1.
A cross-handle is a topological structure which can be thought of as the object produced by puncturing a surface twice, attaching a zip around each puncture travelling in the ...
A special case of Stokes' theorem in which F is a vector field and M is an oriented, compact embedded 2-manifold with boundary in R^3, and a generalization of Green's theorem ...
The total angular defect is the sum of the angular defects over all polyhedron vertices of a polyhedron, where the angular defect delta at a given polyhedron vertex is the ...
Elliptic geometry is a non-Euclidean geometry with positive curvature which replaces the parallel postulate with the statement "through any point in the plane, there exist no ...
Exponential growth is the increase in a quantity N according to the law N(t)=N_0e^(lambdat) (1) for a parameter t and constant lambda (the analog of the decay constant), ...
