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831 - 840 of 1719 for Surface AreaSearch Results

F_x[sin(2pik_0x)](k) = int_(-infty)^inftye^(-2piikx)((e^(2piik_0x)-e^(-2piik_0x))/(2i))dx (1) = 1/2iint_(-infty)^infty[-e^(-2pii(k-k_0)x)+e^(-2pii(k+k_0)x)]dx (2) = ...
A stellation is said to be fully supported if all its included cells are supported, i.e., if all its bottom faces are covered by their adjacent cells. In other words, every ...
A finite extension K=Q(z)(w) of the field Q(z) of rational functions in the indeterminate z, i.e., w is a root of a polynomial a_0+a_1alpha+a_2alpha^2+...+a_nalpha^n, where ...
If x is a regular patch on a regular surface in R^3 with normal N^^, then x_(uu) = Gamma_(11)^1x_u+Gamma_(11)^2x_v+eN^^ (1) x_(uv) = Gamma_(12)^1x_u+Gamma_(12)^2x_v+fN^^ (2) ...
If a function phi is harmonic in a sphere, then the value of phi at the center of the sphere is the arithmetic mean of its value on the surface.
For a form Q, the generic character chi_i(Q) of Q is defined as the values of chi_i(m) where (m,2d)=1 and Q represents m: chi_1(Q), chi_2(Q), ..., chi_r(Q) (Cohn 1980, p. ...
A triangle formed by the arcs of three geodesics on a smooth surface.
The identity PVint_(-infty)^inftyF(phi(x))dx=PVint_(-infty)^inftyF(x)dx (1) holds for any integrable function F(x) and phi(x) of the form ...
The dual of the great snub icosidodecahedron U_(57) and Wenninger dual W_(113).
A Heegaard splitting of a connected orientable 3-manifold M is any way of expressing M as the union of two (3,1)-handlebodies along their boundaries. The boundary of such a ...
