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A sphericon is the solid formed from a bicone with opening angle of 90 degrees (and therefore with a=r=h) obtained by slicing the solid with a plane containing the rotational ...
A number of four-tetrahedron compounds can be constructed by rotating about the center-centroid lines of each face. Three such compounds are shown above for rotations by ...
The 60-faced dual polyhedron of the truncated dodecahedron A_(10) (Holden 1971, p. 55) and Wenninger dual W_(10). Wenninger (1989, p. 46) calls the small triambic icosahedron ...
The equilateral triaugmented triangular prism is the Johnson solid J_(51) constructed by erecting a regular tetrahedron on each square face of an equilateral triangular ...
Let a vault consist of two equal half-cylinders of radius r which intersect at right angles so that the lines of their intersections (the "groins") terminate in the ...
The Weingarten equations express the derivatives of the normal vector to a surface using derivatives of the position vector. Let x:U->R^3 be a regular patch, then the shape ...
A kit consisting of colored rods and slotted balls that can be used to construct three-dimensional configurations. The balls into which the rods are placed resemble an ...
A double bubble is pair of bubbles which intersect and are separated by a membrane bounded by the intersection. The usual double bubble is illustrated in the left figure ...
The Cassini ovals are a family of quartic curves, also called Cassini ellipses, described by a point such that the product of its distances from two fixed points a distance ...
Curves which, when rotated in a square, make contact with all four sides. Such curves are sometimes also known as rollers. The "width" of a closed convex curve is defined as ...
