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A bounded plane convex region symmetric about a lattice point and with area >4 must contain at least three lattice points in the interior. In n dimensions, the theorem can be ...
Every convex body B in the Euclidean plane with area A can be inscribed in a triangle of area at most equal to 2A (Gross 1918, Eggleston 1957). The worst possible fit ...
Two polygons are congruent by dissection iff they have the same area. In particular, any polygon is congruent by dissection to a square of the same area. Laczkovich (1988) ...
An attractive compound can be constructed of 6 pentagonal prisms having unit edge lengths, as illustrated above. A net for the solid is illustrated above, where s_1 = ...
A term sometimes used to describe a map projection which is neither equal-area nor conformal (Lee 1944; Snyder 1987, p. 4).
A circle is the set of points in a plane that are equidistant from a given point O. The distance r from the center is called the radius, and the point O is called the center. ...
Inside a ball B in R^3, {rectifiable currents S in BL area S<=c, length partialS<=c} is compact under the flat norm.
An area-preserving affine transformation. Equiaffinities include the crossed hyperbolic rotation, elliptic rotation, hyperbolic rotation, and parabolic rotation.
The principal normal indicatrix of a closed space curve with nonvanishing curvature bisects the area of the unit sphere if it is embedded.
A bubble is a minimal-energy surface of the type that is formed by soap film. The simplest bubble is a single sphere, illustrated above (courtesy of J. M. Sullivan). More ...
