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1261 - 1270 of 1719 for Surface AreaSearch Results

A smooth structure on a topological manifold (also called a differentiable structure) is given by a smooth atlas of coordinate charts, i.e., the transition functions between ...
A snake is an Eulerian path in the d-hypercube that has no chords (i.e., any hypercube edge joining snake vertices is a snake edge). Klee (1970) asked for the maximum length ...
A curve which may pass through any region of three-dimensional space, as contrasted to a plane curve which must lie in a single plane. Von Staudt (1847) classified space ...
Sphere line picking is the selection of pairs of points corresponding to vertices of a line segment with endpoints on the surface of a sphere. n random line segments can be ...
In a rectangular room (a cuboid) with dimensions 30^'×12^'×12^', a spider is located in the middle of one 12^'×12^' wall one foot away from the ceiling. A fly is in the ...
A piecewise polynomial function that can have a locally very simple form, yet at the same time be globally flexible and smooth. Splines are very useful for modeling arbitrary ...
A two-dimensional map also called the Taylor-Greene-Chirikov map in some of the older literature and defined by I_(n+1) = I_n+Ksintheta_n (1) theta_(n+1) = theta_n+I_(n+1) ...
The Thomson problem is to determine the stable equilibrium positions of n classical electrons constrained to move on the surface of a sphere and repelling each other by an ...
The number of colors sufficient for map coloring on a surface of genus g is given by the Heawood conjecture, chi(g)=|_1/2(7+sqrt(48g+1))_|, where |_x_| is the floor function. ...
Every planar graph (i.e., graph with graph genus 0) has an embedding on a torus. In contrast, toroidal graphs are embeddable on the torus, but not in the plane, i.e., they ...
