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Harmonic coordinates satisfy the condition Gamma^lambda=g^(munu)Gamma_(munu)^lambda=0, (1) or equivalently, partial/(partialx^kappa)(sqrt(g)g^(lambdakappa))=0. (2) It is ...
The partial differential equation u_t=u_(xxx)u^3.
Johnson solid J_(89).
A permutation group (G,X) is k-homogeneous if it is transitive on unordered k-subsets of X. The projective special linear group PSL(2,q) is 3-homogeneous if q=3 (mod 4).
A similarity transformation which preserves orientation, also called a homothety.
A linear transformation A:R^n->R^n is hyperbolic if none of its eigenvalues has modulus 1. This means that R^n can be written as a direct sum of two A-invariant subspaces E^s ...
A catastrophe which can occur for three control factors and two behavior axes. The hyperbolic umbilic is the universal unfolding of the function germ f(x,y)=x^3+y^3. The ...
The hypocycloid x = a/(a-2b)[(a-b)cosphi-bcos((a-b)/bphi)] (1) y = a/(a-2b)[(a-b)sinphi+bsin((a-b)/bphi)] (2) has involute x = (a-2b)/a[(a-b)cosphi+bcos((a-b)/bphi)] (3) y = ...
An inner automorphism of a group G is an automorphism of the form phi(g)=h^(-1)gh, where h is a fixed element of G. The automorphism of the symmetric group S_3 that maps the ...
The illusion shown above which was discovered by Helmholtz in the 19th century. Despite the fact that the two above figures are identical in size, the white hole looks bigger ...
