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A ruled surface parameterization x(u,v)=b(u)+vg(u) is called noncylindrical if gxg^' is nowhere 0. A noncylindrical ruled surface always has a parameterization of the form ...
A periodic minimal surface constructed by Schwarz using the following two principles: 1. If part of the boundary of a minimal surface is a straight line, then the reflection ...
A surface which is simultaneously complete and minimal. There have been a large number of fundamental breakthroughs in the study of such surfaces in recent years, and they ...
A surface that contains two families of rulings. The only three doubly ruled surfaces are the plane, hyperbolic paraboloid, and single-sheeted hyperboloid.
"Nordstrand's weird surface" is an attractive quartic surface given by the implicit equation It has 11 ordinary double points located at (2/5,0,0), (-2/5,0,0), ...
A parallel of a surface of revolution is the intersection of the surface with a plane orthogonal to the axis of revolution.
A minimal embedded surface discovered in 1992 consisting of a helicoid with a hole and handle (Science News 1992). It has the same topology as a punctured sphere with a ...
The curve b(u) in the ruled surface parameterization x(u,v)=b(u)+vd(u) is called the directrix (or base curve).
The envelope of the plane lx+my+nz=c, (1) where c is the speed of propagation of a wave in the direction (l,m,n) (i.e., l, m, and n are the direction cosines) is known as the ...
A minimal surface that contains lemniscates as geodesics which is given by the parametric equations x = R[sqrt(2)cos(1/3zeta)sqrt(cos(2/3zeta))] (1) y = ...
