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A square matrix with constant skew diagonals. In other words, a Hankel matrix is a matrix in which the (i,j)th entry depends only on the sum i+j. Such matrices are sometimes ...
The extension of a, an ideal in commutative ring A, in a ring B, is the ideal generated by its image f(a) under a ring homomorphism f. Explicitly, it is any finite sum of the ...
Let sigma_infty(n) be the sum of the infinitary divisors of a number n. An infinitary perfect number is a number n such that sigma_infty(n)=2n. The first few are 6, 60, 90, ...
The sum I over all internal (circular) nodes of the paths from the root of an extended binary tree to each node. For example, in the tree above, the internal path length is ...
A generalization of the Kronecker decomposition theorem which states that every finitely generated Abelian group is isomorphic to the group direct sum of a finite number of ...
Levenberg-Marquardt is a popular alternative to the Gauss-Newton method of finding the minimum of a function F(x) that is a sum of squares of nonlinear functions, ...
Let G=(V,E) be a (not necessarily simple) undirected edge-weighted graph with nonnegative weights. A cut C of G is any nontrivial subset of V, and the weight of the cut is ...
If a function analytic at the origin has no singularities other than poles for finite x, and if we can choose a sequence of contours C_m about z=0 tending to infinity such ...
One would think that by analogy with the matching-generating polynomial, independence polynomial, etc., a path polynomial whose coefficients are the numbers of paths of ...
The index of a permutation p is defined as the sum of all subscripts j such that p_j>p_(j+1), for 1<=j<=n. MacMahon (1960) proved that the number of permutations of size n ...
