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51 - 60 of 670 for Standard ToriSearch Results
2^(10)=1024 bytes. Although the term kilobyte is sometimes used to refer to 1024 bytes, such usage is deprecated in favor of the standard SI naming convention of 1 kilobyte ...
2^(20)=1024^2=1048576 bytes. Although the term megabyte is almost universally used to refer to 1024^2 bytes, such usage is deprecated in favor of the standard SI naming ...
2^(50)=1024^5 bytes. Although the term petabyte is sometimes used to refer to 1024^5 bytes, such usage is deprecated in favor of the standard SI naming convention of 1 ...
2^(40)=1024^4=1099511627776 bytes. Although the term terabyte is sometimes used to refer to 1024^4 bytes, such usage is deprecated in favor of the standard SI naming ...
The Bonne projection is a map projection that resembles the shape of a heart. Let phi_1 be the standard parallel, lambda_0 the central meridian, phi be the latitude, and ...
The Sharpe ratio is a risk-adjusted financial measure developed by Nobel Laureate William Sharpe. It uses a fund's standard deviation and excess return to determine the ...
A complicated polynomial root-finding algorithm which is used in the IMSL® (IMSL, Houston, TX) library and which Press et al. (1992) describe as "practically a standard in ...
The Peters projection is a cylindrical equal-area projection that de-emphasizes the exaggeration of areas at high latitudes by shifting the standard latitude to phi_s=44.138 ...
The map projection having transformation equations x = (lambda-lambda_0)cosphi_s (1) y = sinphisecphi_s (2) for the normal aspect, where lambda is the longitude, lambda_0 is ...
A game described by Scarne which is played on a 5×5 board by two players who alternate placing, one at a time, their four counters each, after which the counters are moved ...
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