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(d^2V)/(dv^2)+[a-2qcos(2v)]V=0 (1) (Abramowitz and Stegun 1972; Zwillinger 1997, p. 125), having solution y=C_1C(a,q,v)+C_2S(a,q,v), (2) where C(a,q,v) and S(a,q,v) are ...
There are several statistical quantities called means, e.g., harmonic mean, geometric mean, arithmetic-geometric mean, and root-mean-square. When applied to two elements a ...
The Mellin transform is the integral transform defined by phi(z) = int_0^inftyt^(z-1)f(t)dt (1) f(t) = 1/(2pii)int_(c-iinfty)^(c+iinfty)t^(-z)phi(z)dz. (2) It is implemented ...
For n a positive integer, expressions of the form sin(nx), cos(nx), and tan(nx) can be expressed in terms of sinx and cosx only using the Euler formula and binomial theorem. ...
Multiple edges are two or more edges connecting the same two vertices within a multigraph. Multiple edges of degree d_(ij) between vertex i and vertex j correspond to an ...
The term "natural number" refers either to a member of the set of positive integers 1, 2, 3, ... (OEIS A000027) or to the set of nonnegative integers 0, 1, 2, 3, ... (OEIS ...
The negative binomial distribution, also known as the Pascal distribution or Pólya distribution, gives the probability of r-1 successes and x failures in x+r-1 trials, and ...
Newton's forward difference formula is a finite difference identity giving an interpolated value between tabulated points {f_p} in terms of the first value f_0 and the powers ...
If T is a linear transformation of R^n, then the null space Null(T), also called the kernel Ker(T), is the set of all vectors X such that T(X)=0, i.e., Null(T)={X:T(X)=0}. ...
A "squashed" spheroid for which the equatorial radius a is greater than the polar radius c, so a>c (called an oblate ellipsoid by Tietze 1965, p. 27). An oblate spheroid is a ...
