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Let X be a set. Then a sigma-algebra F is a nonempty collection of subsets of X such that the following hold: 1. X is in F. 2. If A is in F, then so is the complement of A. ...
Sigma is the eighteenth letter of the ancient Greek alphabet. As an upper case letter (Sigma), it is used as a symbol for sums and series. As a lower case letter (sigma) it ...
The sigmoid function, also called the sigmoidal curve (von Seggern 2007, p. 148) or logistic function, is the function y=1/(1+e^(-x)). (1) It has derivative (dy)/(dx) = ...
In floating-point arithmetic, the significand is a component of a finite floating-point number containing its significant digits. Generally speaking, the significand can be ...
Two square matrices A and B that are related by B=X^(-1)AX, (1) where X is a square nonsingular matrix are said to be similar. A transformation of the form X^(-1)AX is called ...
If a random variable X has a chi-squared distribution with m degrees of freedom (chi_m^2) and a random variable Y has a chi-squared distribution with n degrees of freedom ...
The difference between the sum of the angles A, B, and C of a spherical triangle and pi radians (180 degrees), E=A+B+C-pi. The notation Delta is sometimes used for spherical ...
The study of figures on the surface of a sphere (such as the spherical triangle and spherical polygon), as opposed to the type of geometry studied in plane geometry or solid ...
A sliver of the surface of a sphere of radius r cut out by two planes through the azimuthal axis with dihedral angle theta. The surface area of the lune is S=2r^2theta, which ...
A spherical sector is a solid of revolution enclosed by two radii from the center of a sphere. The spherical sector may either be "open" and have a conical hole (left figure; ...
