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4691 - 4700 of 13135 for Square Triangular NumberSearch Results

The logarithmic integral is defined as the Cauchy principal value li(x) = PVint_0^x(dt)/(lnt) (1) = ...
The diagonal slash "/" used as the bar between numerator and denominator of an in-line fraction (Bringhurst 1997, p. 284). The solidus is also called a diagonal. Special care ...
Sphere line picking is the selection of pairs of points corresponding to vertices of a line segment with endpoints on the surface of a sphere. n random line segments can be ...
The stellated truncated hexahedron (Maeder 1997), also called the quasitruncated hexahedron (Wenninger 1989, p. 144), is the uniform polyhedron with Maeder index 19 (Maeder ...
A temporal point process is a random process whose realizations consist of the times {tau_j}_(j in J) of isolated events. Note that in some literature, the values tau_j are ...
A twin prime cluster of order n is a collection of 2n consecutive prime numbers such that consecutive pairs form twin primes. Twin prime clusters were discussed by Mudge ...
The weak law of large numbers (cf. the strong law of large numbers) is a result in probability theory also known as Bernoulli's theorem. Let X_1, ..., X_n be a sequence of ...
Let (K,L) be a pair consisting of finite, connected CW-complexes where L is a subcomplex of K. Define the associated chain complex C(K,L) group-wise for each p by setting ...
Let a piecewise smooth function f with only finitely many discontinuities (which are all jumps) be defined on [-pi,pi] with Fourier series a_k = 1/piint_(-pi)^pif(t)cos(kt)dt ...
The conjecture that, for any triangle, 8omega^3<ABC (1) where A, B, and C are the vertex angles of the triangle and omega is the Brocard angle. The Abi-Khuzam inequality ...
